is a Firebird Administration tool. It enables you to create new Firebird database, create/modify tables, procedures, views, triggers, generators, roles, UDFs, Domains, and much more. Turbo Bird application is very easy to install and to use.

There are Linux 32/64 bit, Windows 32 bit, and Mac OS binaries. You can install the source and compile it using Lazarus in any other Plateform that already supported by Lazarus.


Beta Version 0.9.4 22.Sept.2012

TurboBird for Linux 32 bit version 0.9.4

It is an executable file that you can download and run immediately. You need Firebird client library like libfbclient2. You can use Synaptic, apt-get, yum , or any package manager according to Linux distribution to install FireBird library from Internet.
If you still get unable to load library message, then you need to make a new link for FireBird library in /usr/lib directory like:
sudo ln /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Try this in new versions of Linux (32 bit):
sudo ln /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

For Linux (64 bit):
sudo ln /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

For newer versions of Ubuntu (starting from 11.10) you need to remove new scrollbar to make TurboBird work:
sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt liboverlay-scrollbar-0.2-0

TurboBird for Linux 64 bit version 0.9.4

Linux 64 bit executable. For FireBird library problem see the above (32 bit version)

TurboBird for Win32 0.9.4

This is Windows 32 bit executable version. You need to install Firebird client library. If you already installed Firebird server on the same machine, then no need to install any additional library.
If you get Unable to load library message, then copy fbclient.dll from FireBird binary directory to TurboBird or Windows folder

TurboBird for Mac 0.9.3

This is Mac package for Turbo Bird. Compiled by Cem Zafer

TurboBird Source code

Turbo Bird has been developed using FreePascal/Lazarus. No third party package/component has been used in this project, only standard components. Source code has been compiled with Lazarus 1.0 and FPC 2.6.0

Download source code from GitHub

Many people are sending many improvments for Turbo Bird lately, so that I decided to put Turbo Bird in source control to make it easy for developers to participate on this project

TurboBird Development Source in source control (github)


GPL for GUI, and LGPL for Units.

Screen Shots


Project started on Dec 2009
22.Sept.2012:0.9.4 Adding Grant permissionn in new table form. Small modifications to New table form. Compiling with Lazarus version 1
24.May.2012:0.9.3 Introducing Database structure comparison. This feature compares and generates stucture difference script of origional database to compared one.
Include Views permissions in permissions management.
Many small modifications and bug fixes
2.May.2012:0.9.2 Delete permission copy bug fix. Changing creating new table, generator and it's trigger
4.Apr.2012:0.9.1Minor bug fix, producing 64 bit version, because 32 bit cann't start in Linux Mint DE 64 bit.
12.Feb.2012:0.9.0 Change unable to load firebird library message to Warning instead of error and resume application starting. Try to load gds32 library in Windows if fbclient.dll is not found.
8.Feb.2012:0.8.12Close opened database and its opened windows.
28.Jan.2012:0.8.11 Displaying Table management, View generator, Trigger DDL, Procedure DDL, Permissions, etc in a page tab instead of seperate window form.
29.Dec.2011:0.8.10After two years of development, Source is now available in source control

. Bug fixes, interface modifications
14.Dec.2011:0.8.9Adding Database Info
12.Oct.2011:0.8.8Adding number of fetched records for queries. Leave query result open after runnin another queries
1.Oct.2011:0.8.7Fixing rollback bug: reported by Claudio Romero
15.Sept.2011:0.8.6 Check FireBird library, and display Unable to load library if it does not exist. Done by Claudio Romero
13.Sept.2011:0.8.5 Set auto size for query result grid columns. Done by Claudio Romero
3.Sept.2011: 0.8.4Adding Modifing Field description feature. Allowing modification for default field value
2.Sept.2011:0.8.3 Adding Expand table fields feature. Fixing some bugs
26.Aug.2011:0.8.2 Fixing Table Insert/Update script bug. Adding rows affected information for insert, update, and delete procedures
30.Jul.2011:0.8.1Fixing not saving password bug. Reported by Claudio Romero. Adding Copy Permission To menu item to copy permissions from user to user
29.May.2011:0.8.0Adding Copy Table feature
29.Mar.2011:0.7.12Modify Script table as Create: scripting constraints, indices, triggers, generators, permissions that belong to the table
19.Mar.2011:0.7.11 Minor bugs fixing
18.Feb.2011:0.7.10 Replace Query Window buttons by Tool Bar
15.Feb.2011:0.7.9Changing Query parser procedure for Query Windows. Improvements for multi statements in one query window like select, update, and script statements
13.Feb.2011:0.7.8 Unify Connection and Transaction components for all query windows to share the same transaction
22.Jan.2011:0.7.7Add SQL Statements history to trace and extract database modificaitons DDL and DML statements in SQL Query Window
11.Jan.2011:0.7.6 Fixing Connect As Bug, perviously it was replacing origional registration parameters
25.Dec.2010:0.7.5 Adding with Grant/Admin permissions

24.Dec.2010: 0.7.4Introducing User/Role Permissions Management
20.Dec.2010:0.7.2Creating users. Requires Firebird version 2.5, fixing create generator bug
7.Dec.2010:0.7.0Change main application window to MDI using page control for Query Window
28.Oct.2010:0.6.6 Introducing database Backup and restore
16.Oct.2010:0.6.0 First beta release of Turbo Bird Version 0.6.0
5.Dec.2009:Start development of Turbo Bird project

If you have any comment, or you want to participate; you can drop an e-mail to me at below address
motaz at code dot sd

Another recommended Firebird admin tool is FlameRobin

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